9/3/20 #2: The Haunted Lobby

As soon as I set foot in the lobby, I could tell something was wrong. Despite being late summer, there was a strange chill in the air, and a weird feeling of—of something having been drained away from the room. The feeling you get when trying to breathe standing right behind a large fan. And then: though the lights themselves stayed on, the room began to darken; the shadows in the foyer somehow spread out towards me…and that’s when I saw the apparition.

Was it just another shadow?—a chance overlapping of dark spots on the floor with a trick of the light? I became surer and surer it was not.

“Wear a mask,” the ghost said.

About the 2nd picture: all organic matter on Earth emits faint radiation, due to the naturally-occuring radioisotope Carbon-14. In this stereo-radiometer image of the lobby, you can see the C14 radiation emitted from the wood of the walls and ceiling, as well as the floor, which may be made from carbon-containing stone, or painted with a carbon-containing compound. But not that ghastly figure: not a trace of Earthly matter in it. It even sucks up all the natural radiation like a black hole…

The 3rd and 4th pictures are bonuses: the initial DMAG5 depth map and occlusion map respectively, from StereoPhoto Maker.

TAGS: experiments > depth maps, fog, ghosts, occlusion maps

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