2/23/21: More 3D from Perseverance Rover
🎥 cross
🎥 parallel
🎥 anaglyph
🎥 cross
🎥 parallel
🎥 anaglyph

More Mars stereos! This first scene is the close-up view taken by Perseverance Rover’s Mastcam-Z stereocamera of its calibration targets: the main joystick-like one above, and the secondary watercolor-palette-like one below. The hues and reflectance properties of the colors and grays on these, as well as the shadow cast by the center stick-like gnomon, will help researchers assess the illumination of images.

Beneath the 8 circles on the main target are strong permanent cylinder magnets, which will keep the center of the circles free from iron oxide Martian dust. Meanwhile, the 7 pictogram vignettes in between them symbolize the development of life on Earth. And around the base of the main target (not visible here) is the inspirational message:

Are we alone? We came here to look for signs of life, and to collect samples of Mars for study on Earth. To those who follow, we wish a safe journey and the joy of discovery.
—Followed by the phrase “joy of discovery” repeated in Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, and Arabic (along with English, the most spoken languages on Earth). For photos and more info about this functionally and symbolically important calibration target, see mastcamz.asu.edu

I created the videos by extrapolating depth maps using StereoPhoto Maker, and extracting/combining 2D videos made with the 3D-Photo-Inpainting AI.

The second scene here is a 3D view of Perseverance Rover from above, as seen by the Descent Stage Down-Look Camera during the skycrane maneuver! This is a 2D camera, so I simply found 2 images from slightly different times that, thanks to the swaying motion of the skycrane, happen to work acceptably as a somewhat shallow stereopair, following lots of editing by me. This is why the background is totally different. I recommend the anaglyph and parallel versions for more depth here.

The last image is a bonus: the 3D occlusion maps produced by StereoPhoto Maker of the first stereopair.

Original images credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU

TAGS: AI > 3D-Photo-Inpainting; depth maps; Mars > Perseverance Rover; occlusion maps

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